It works in the field of providing legal activities and legal advice, and among the services it provides: documentation, company establishment and restructuring, litigation and dispute management, contract drafting, contract management and auditing, dispute settlement, and legal examination due to ignorance. It relies on technology in carrying out its work and communicating with its clients in any Makan offers the best of its expertise in the field of various cases related to individuals and companies and their legal work in accordance with the latest international advanced practices in the field of law.
Basma Ethar Law Firm is an extension of the long experience in the legal field in its various fields, and we are keen to provide a wide range of diverse legal services that are characterized by high level of professionalism and specialization, relying on the cumulative experiences of a distinguished group of lawyers and legal advisors.
We always strive to be at the forefront and maintain our reputation through the legal services and legal advice that we provide to our valued clients in accordance with the highest standards of quality and professionalism to achieve the goals and interests of our clients in an efficient and effective manner.
To excel, innovate and lead by following the best legal methodologies and the latest international practices with optimal employment for the use of advanced technology
Achieving a set of harmonious goals, the most important of which are: Positive and effective contribution to enhancing legal awareness in the Saudi society. Providing the best comprehensive legal solutions for diversified sectors and for a wide range of clients and beneficiaries. Achieving the best results in all the cases entrusted to us Regular and professional methods
Representing clients from establishments and individuals in all cases (insurance - financing - banking - tax - customs…
These so-called corporate services are as important as the agreement on the actual deal itself because without them…
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is living in light of Vision 2030, a golden age that provides unprecedented…
(العربية) لدينا فريق محامين متخصص في شرق الرياض يقدم استشارات قانونية شاملة وسريعة. نحن نوفر الدعم في قضايا الأحوال الشخصية، والنزاعات العقارية، والقضايا التجارية، بهدف مساعدة عملائنا في الوصول إلى حلول قانونية عادلة وفعالة.
(العربية) نحن الخيار الأمثل لسكان غرب الرياض الذين يبحثون عن خدمات قانونية موثوقة. نقدم استشارات دقيقة تغطي مختلف القضايا، بما في ذلك الدعاوى التجارية والقضايا الشخصية، ونعمل دومًا لضمان تحقيق أفضل النتائج لعملائنا.
(العربية) خدماتنا القانونية في شمال الرياض تركز على تقديم استشارات شاملة تلبي احتياجات العملاء في القضايا المدنية والتجارية. محامونا يتمتعون بالخبرة اللازمة للتعامل مع مختلف القضايا بمهارة والتزام بأعلى معايير الجودة.
(العربية) في جنوب الرياض، نحرص على توفير خدمات قانونية متكاملة تساعد العملاء في قضاياهم. محامونا ملتزمون بتقديم استشارات قانونية دقيقة وسريعة، سواء في القضايا المدنية أو التجارية، لضمان حصولكم على النصائح القانونية.
We are constantly working to help you and make your experience easier through our services